China Boosts Development of New Electric Motors

by | 23. Nov 2021 - 11:50 | Market

More efficient motors are to reduce  CO2 emissions and save energy.

China wants to push the use and development of energy-efficient electric motors. By 2023, 20 percent of e-motors used in industry, transport and households are to be replaced by new models, reports the government-affiliated Global Times. The country hopes this will save energy and reduce climate-damaging emissions.

To ensure that the project succeeds, material and product development is to be driven forward. Among other things, the use of electric motors with permanent magnets made of rare earths, such as neodymium, is planned.

With a market share of 90 percent, China is the largest producer of these magnets and therefore has the best starting conditions for the successful implementation of the project. The targeted development boost in motor production could also increase China’s global importance in downstream stages of the value chain for strategic raw materials. For example, in the production and export of electric vehicles, for which demand is increasing significantly due to the foreseeable end of the combustion engine.

Photo: iStock/Ioraks

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