Raw Materials Supply: Roland Berger Advises Swift Action

by | 18. Apr 2024 - 10:34 | Economy

No energy transition without critical raw materials: A new study by consultancy Roland Berger examines the importance of rare earths, lithium, nickel, and cobalt and the difficulty securing their supply. In the case of the latter three resources, supply is likely only just to be able to keep pace with demand until 2030. Although the raw material deposits are available, there is a considerable risk in developing new mines and expanding refinery capacities, the report continues.

Other challenges include a shortage of skilled workers, as well as uncertainties regarding the growth in demand, for example, in the EV industry. Disruptive technologies, i.e., those that completely reshape the market, are also a risk factor. Here, Roland Berger mentions the controversial deep-sea mining, which could lead to a significantly greater supply of nickel, among other things.

The consultancy firm advises that the supply chains for critical raw materials should be secured quickly. To do so, the supply streams must first be fully understood. Therefore, access to market information is essential to gain a competitive advantage, especially in times of crisis.

The complete study can be found here.

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