China to Impose Export Restrictions on Certain Aviation and Aerospace Industry Components

by | 31. May 2024 - 13:22 | Politics

The Chinese Government is expanding its influence over goods shipped abroad. The Ministry of Commerce published a list of products for which exporters will need licenses in the future. The items include tools, software, and equipment used to manufacture aviation and space components, including structural elements and engine parts, as well as gas turbines, among other things. Entities wishing to ship these goods abroad will apply to the ministry for licenses from July 1st, which will then determine whether the product in question is a so-called “dual use” item that can find application in civil and military fields. The list explicitly names products used to make alloys from titanium and aluminum, some of the most widely used elements in aircraft structures.

In the summer of 2023, the People’s Republic imposed similar restrictions on the technology metals gallium and germanium and on certain technologies surrounding the mining and refining of rare earth elements later that year.

Photo: iStock/takenobu

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