Quantum Computing, Semiconductor Technology: U.S. Implements New Export Controls

by | 5. Sep 2024 - 16:39 | Politics

Effective today, exports of certain advanced technologies and equipment require licenses.

The United States Department of Commerce has published an interim final rule implementing export controls on an array of advanced technologies. The goods affected by the measure are related to quantum computing, semiconductor manufacturing, Gate All-Around Field-Effect Transistor (GAAFET) Technology, as well as additive manufacturing. Effective today, individuals wishing to export equipment, components, materials, software, and technologies used in these fields require official licenses. The BIS also published a list of countries exempt from these requirements, depending on the category. It includes countries like Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. The list is available here (PDF).

In a statement, the Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) justified the move on grounds of national security and foreign policies. “Today’s action ensures our national export controls keep step with rapidly evolving technologies and are more effective when we work in concert with international partners,” said Alan Estevez, Under Secretary for the Bureau of Industry and Security. According to Reuters, multiple countries, including the UK, have already implemented similar measures.

The interim final rule is available online and the Bureau invites public comments, due within 60 days.

Photo: P_Wei

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