Canada: Defense Metals and the SRC Join Forces on Rare Earths

by | 27. Sep 2024 - 09:12 | Economy

Rare earths mined in British Columbia could soon be refined in Saskatchewan.

Canadian rare earth mining hopeful Defense Metals has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) to explore potential collaboration along the rare earth value chain. Under the agreement (PDF), the two sides will discuss a possible supply agreement of mixed rare earth carbonates from Defense Metals’ Wicheeda project to SRC’s rare earth refinery in Saskatoon. The facility has recently begun commercial production of rare earth metal as the first in North America (we reported). Rare earth metal is produced by smelting individual rare earth oxides together. It is an intermediate product in the convoluted mine-to-magnet value chain.

A potential long-term agreement between the two sides could be a significant step towards more secure and sustainable North American rare earth supply chains, Guy de Selliers, Executive Chairman of Defense Metals, said in a statement.

Defense Metals is developing its Wicheeda rare earth project 80 km northeast of Prince George in Canada’s westernmost province, British Columbia, and has access by road and rail to the port of Prince Rupert. Infrastructure is a key factor in developing new mining projects, both in terms of costs and time. In July, the Canadian government announced it would step up investments into critical minerals infrastructure to facilitate access to the coveted raw materials.

Photo: iStock/Captured by Keeleigh